If you want to get the top price for your home in DFW, let’s make sure that the first impression is a good one. Here are some simple things you can do to make your home warm and welcoming to potential buyers.
Landscape Art
Make sure your bushes are trimmed beautifully. Did you ever see the movie Edward Scissorhands? Watch it, and then DON’T do this. Tame down his talent and make yours somewhere close, just not as precise. A good tip is to make sure your bushes aren’t covering your windows. Buyers need to see everything when they walk up, which includes the windows.

A great way to add some color is by adding planters to the front. If you lack green, plant some tall evergreen bushes in your planters. Need some flowers? Overload those planters and have them spill out blooming flowers. Everyone likes flowers, and having them in a pot takes the pressure off of having to do too much maintenance.
Your Key In
Your door is the first thing they touch when they enter your home. Make it impactful. Do your research and take the time to make a statement with your front door. A bold and exciting color will attract attention. Do your research first! Don’t just pick a neon green because you are trying to attract attention. They are bold colors you can use without scaring people off.

If your concrete walkway is old, tattered, and torn, consider giving it a makeover. There are TONS of things you can do here for very little money. If you are a do-er, some of these things can be done on the weekend by you. Take a quick trip over to Pinterest and type in “walkway DIY”…the opportunities are endless.
At Home Depot, you can get inexpensive spotlights that are solar-powered. Strategically placing these can make a massive difference for your curb appeal. If you have outdated porch lights, now is the time to get them updated. You don’t want the first impression to scream “old and dingy.”

Welcoming wreath
When I say wreath, please, oh, please don’t add a wreath that will be distracting. There is a fine line between a wreath and a wreath. You want the wreath to welcome. Try not to get a wreath that has a bunch of different items on it. Do an internet search for a modern front door wreath.
Keep in mind, when you are trying to sell a house, curb appeal is a MUST. With that said, don’t overdo any of this stuff. Don’t stick 45 planters in the front. Don’t paint your door neon orange. Don’t make your light resemble Clark's in National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation. If you need help with your curb appeal or more curb appeal tips in North Texas, let me know. After all, I am your realtor.
-Brenda Debus